January 29, 1975 SB-634 Bulletin No: Station Console SB-634-1 Mismatch When Using 600 Ohm Input Change the phone patch control to a 200K/1500/10 Ohm control, [PN 13-16]. Parts available in June 1975. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 10, 1975 SB-634 Bulletin No: Station Console SB-634-2 Phone Patch Control Miswired In the first run of SB-634's, the phone patch control is wired with the front and middle sections interchanged. This can be corrected by interchanging the wires going to lugs 2 and 5, and interchanging the wires going to lugs 3 and 6 of the control. A mailing is being made to all SB-634 owners that will provide them with rewiring information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 6, 1975 SB-634 Bulletin No: Station Console SB-634-3 Schematic Error The connection points K, L, M, N, P and R on the SB-634 schematic are reversed from their proper order. For example, point K should be R, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 28, 1975 SB-634 Bulletin No: Station Console SB-634-4 Use of Wider Toleranced Clock Chips The [PN 443-601] clock chips have been selected for minimum flicker. The [PN 443-601] is a hand selected version of the [PN 443-687]. With the following changes, hand selection is no longer necessary: Change C201 from 30 pF to 51 pF [PN 20-190]. Change R237 from 15K to 18K Ohm [PN 1-162]. Change [PN 443-601] to [PN 443-687]. (NOTE: Either clock chip can be used witht he new value resistor and capacitor.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ February 2, 1977 SB-634 Bulletin No: Station Console SB-634-5 Large Display Tube Part Number Change + + + + Information not yet available + + + + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 14, 1978 SB-634 Bulletin No: Station Console SB-634-6 Display Counts Twice Each Second Check the brand of [PN 443-7] IC's used at IC204. If it is a TI brand, replace it with a Fairchild brand. The TI brand of IC was found to be causing a small glitch on the positive-going input of IC204 as the signal reached 1 volt, causing one count from the glitch. Replacing with a Fairchild brand IC corrected the problem. All Replacement Parts stock of [PN 443-7] IC's are now Fairchild brand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + + + SB-634-7/8/9 are not yet available + + + + [Sorry] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 16, 1984 SB-634 Bulletin No: Station Console SB-634-10 Dual Electrolytic Capacitor NLA The 2 x 20 uF electrolytic [PN 25-270] at C211A/B is no longer available from Heath Parts Replacement. Two 22 uF electrolytic capacitors [PN 25-955] are used as a replacement. After the old capacitor is removed from the circuit board, use a sharp pointed tool and enlarge the negative (-) hole so both negative leads of the replacement capacitors will fit into the hold. Bend the leads of the replacement capacitors so they fit flush with the board. [[The negative leads form the bottom of the 'triangle' that is made when the two (+) leads are placed in their respective holes]]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- August 31, 1989 SB-634 Bulletin No: Station Console SB-634-11 Minutes or Hours Digits Count Twice As Fast As Seconds When the minutes or hours display sometimes advances just as if SW2 minutes Set switch [PN 60-6] or SW3 Hours set switch [PN 60-6] were activated, a high resistance path may have developed across the Set switch contacts. Replace the appropriate switch to correct the problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all I have on the SB-634 [1966-89]. Enjoy! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------